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Name: Amber
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Weight: 10.44
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $325

For more information on Amber, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Amber
4/14/24 – Amber has come out of her shell quite a bit since entering her foster home. She loves men and women, but would do best in a home with no children since she can be frightened with loud noises and chaotic movements. Anytime you reach down to pet her, she will roll over and show her belly. She loves attention and loves getting and giving kisses. She loves sleeping in the bed with her foster mom and dad, but is also fine to go and sleep in any one of the numerous dog beds around, or the back of the sofa. Especially if it is crowded. Amber knows her name well and will definitely come when called. She is quite the chow hound at breakfast and supper time, but is very respectful of the other dogs’ bowls and if she goes near them while they are eating (since she finishes so fast), a quick, “No Amber”, deters her automatically. She loves to please her humans.
She would do great in a home with other dogs her size, but definitely NO CATS! She is quite the hunter outside chasing birds and squirrels and even stray cats if they happen to get into the yard. She is submissive, but don’t mistake that for a pushover. She is quite the mom when she needs to put another dog in line for something, but she doesn’t start anything. Even though she isn’t your typical looking yorkie, with her longer legs and her full tail, Amber is a very beautiful girl. She has the most angelic face and is just the sweetest baby. She is such a good girl and will use the pee pads when she needs to, but will also do her business on her many trips outside.

We have found out that she and Emma would do fine either being adopted together or being separated. They love each other, but they also love all the other dogs in their foster home, so if there is at least one other dog in her new home, she will be just fine.

4/14/23 -Amber, Bebe and Emma all came to YHR from the same home. Their elderly owner could not care for them any longer so surrendered them. All three are very tall, slender, have nice tails and have beautiful faces. They all thought about going into modeling, but after giving it careful consideration, figured the better path would be to join a family and be pampered, loved and retired. They all three seem to have had puppies before and show signs of uncertainness of humans, so were aren’t sure of their full background of socialization. We believe they are sisters as they are all the same age and look a lot alike.
When they first arrived, they did not have any vetting done, so they received the works. Bloodwork, dental, spay, shots, heartworm test, etc. Their skin and hair were in pretty bad shape too, but good food and baths are helping the hair feel more like hair and less like hay.

Even though they have a lot in common, they do have differences in their personalities, so we asked each of them to give you details about themselves.

Hi, I’m Amber. I am such a sweetheart, so I’ve been told everyday since I arrived at my foster home. My foster parents are constantly saying how pretty my face is and how dainty I am and how sweet my personality is. I’m very humble too. I love getting attention and if I even think you are going to want to give me a kiss or pet me, I will scurry right up to you, hunker down and roll over. I am a very submissive girl and appreciate any attention and love I can get. I’m always happy too. My tail is always wagging and my butt wags with it. My whole backend moves when I’m happy, which is all the time now. I just love being talked to and will look at you as if you hung the moon.

I haven’t quite got the hang of being held. I’m rather uncomfortable and don’t know what to do since I haven’t been held much previously, but I’m getting better. I’m not so clingy that I follow my humans everywhere, but foster mom keeps inviting me to every room she goes in, so I’m learning to understand that I’m wanted. I’m a very good girl to go outside and do my business (but have been seen going on the pee pad, and sometimes on a rug); I’m not a huge barker (unless the other dogs in the home bark and they need back-up); and I get along fine with other calm dogs. I really don’t care about toys, just comfortable places to lay.

I really enjoy having other dogs around, but I don’t like very active, obnoxious ones. I’m a sweet calm girl and would like to share space with another sweet, calm dog or two. I’ve learned to use the bench to get up and down in the bed, however, I haven’t gotten quite comfortable enough to sleep the whole night through in the human bed. I will start off there (because foster mom brings me to bed), but in the middle of the night, I wind up going to sleep on the back of the sofa. I have also learned about all the comfy dog beds in the house and foster mom and dad have been catching me in a new one every so often.

So the lowdown on me is that I’m VERY sweet, pretty, kind, gentle, dainty and loving and I’m looking for a home with a fur-sibling or two, a mom and dad, no young children, a fenced in back yard (doesn’t have to be large), healthy food and nightly massages (I absolutely love my belly rubbed). I know that is a tall order, but I’m a believer and I truly believe that there is a perfect home out there just for me, or me and one of my sisters. I’m not settling this time. I’m happy in my foster home, so I will hold out until what I read gives me the warm and fuzzies. Wouldn’t you? Thanks for understanding!

Amber's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Cash
Gender: Male
Age: 8
Weight: 7
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $350

For more information on Cash, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Cash
5/15/24 - Cash is doing so much better medically. He is now finally off of the two medicines for his bladder and urethra and is not dribbling at all and tinkling like a big boy. He loves his foster siblings and will lay by them for comfort.

He is having some instances where if he is sitting with foster mom and foster dad comes over, he will snap, but that is not all the time. He can be possessive. They are socializing him more and helping him understand that he can trust. Being startled is one of his trigger points.

They are taking everything slow and letting him know what it feels like to be loved and taken care of.

5/2/24 - Cash wanted to give everyone an update. He is in his foster home and is doing well. He has been to the regular vet for a check-up and to get his stiches/staples out. They did an ultrasound of his bladder and all is going good. He is relaxing and recouping and once he tapers off of some of the medications he is on, we will set up his dental.

4/27/24 - Cash was sprung from the hospital yesterday. We have two pictures of him in the car on his way to his foster home and two in his foster home. He is still on medicine for his bladder and urethra, as well as a pain med, an anti-inflammatory, and an antibiotic. He will be able to get his sutures out soon; and, as long as his tinkle stream progresses, we will start to wean him slowly off the bladder and urethra meds. He is a happy young man. And as cute as can be. He was excited to meet the dogs in his foster home and all seems to be going well. Thank you to everyone who donated and prayed for this baby.

UPDATE - 4/26/24 - Cash was discharged today from the hospital and in his foster home!!!

UPDATE: 4/22/24 - Unfortunately the good news was short lived. Cash is unable to urinate on his own again; so the catheter is back in. They are starting him on a new medicine to try to help him.

UPDATE!!! 4-22-24 -We have good news this morning! The hospital had to leave a catheter in Cash all weekend and this morning after they took it out, our little guy peed on his own!! We are SO excited to share this news! He will remain hospitalized until tomorrow so they can be sure this will continue! Thank you again SO very much for all the love, prayers and donations for sweet Cash! We are SO grateful to have been able to save him thanks to all of our wonderful supporters!!

UPDATE: 4/19/24 - Cash is stable but needs further observation due to the fact he had so many bladder stones for so long. We have found out he had them over a year ago and they had gotten worse. SO, he will be in the hospital for a day longer, perhaps the weekend.

UPDATE: 4/18/24 Surgery went well and Cash is resting. <3

UPDATE: The hospital called and Cash's surgery is scheduled for 1:30 PM today. They are going to try to get the stones in his urethra flushed into his bladder prior to surgery. Will update as we know more. THANK YOU to all for your words of encouragement, prayers and donations!

4/17/24 - We just took Cash in late this afternoon. He was surrendered to a shelter in terrible shape with an enlarged tummy and he was leaking urine. Upon exam it was found that his bladder was full of stones and he had a couple in his urethra which was mostly blocking urine. His bladder was drained by the shelter's vet because they could not pass a catheter. They then reached out to us to see if we could help him.
This is an emergency situation and he is at the EC/Veterinary Hospital where they are attempting to put a catheter in for tonight. He will be having surgery first thing tomorrow.
Please pray for this precious little guy!
Cash's Donors:
Katrina Mackie
Maria Garcia Conny McClary Sharon Davis
Nancy Hines Shawna Sartin Rebecca Andrysiak
Hollie Comeaux Hair Design Katherine Lamb Delilah Forbes
Linda Katzenstein Stephen Anzalone brad von Readon
Janet Davis Betty Ledo Devitt Lisa Allnutt Edwards
Mark Robinson Rick DeCosta Jacqui Lawson
Katie Rosebraugh Maggie Bujak-Karshna Terri Duffy Puma
Nancy Leicht Lisa Bridgewater Nita Pavlovich
Rhonda Bullard Alicia Brown Kerstin Lemke
Deborah A Mattu Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Luda Francis

Name: Dylan
Gender: Male
Age: 11 months
Weight: 5.5
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $600

For more information on Dylan, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Dylan
11/2/23 - We have learned a little more about Dylan since he has been in his foster home longer, so thought it was time for an update.

Dylan, even though he likes playing with younger, very active dogs, might do better as an only dog. He will need alot of activity and loves his walks daily because he is 100% active.

He does have quite the attitude and can be very bossy, and nippy. He will bite on occasions. He does not like his face being messed with and does need an experienced adopter who can be strong with him yet not so strong that it makes him anxious and gets him overly stimulated mentally.

He definitely needs a man in his life because he adores men. He does love his foster mom, but will be happier if there is a dad around.

If you are interested, and his update hasn’t made him seem too crazy, the first step in our process is our online adoption application.

8/13/23 - Everyone put your hands together for DJ Dylan!
Yo! Yo! Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Dylan, if you’re wondering what I’m up to, I just be chillin. I was found on the streets by a good Samaritan, she brought me to the vet and became my new friend. She looked for my owners far and wide, but I guess when they said they loved me, they must have lied. I’ve got a dope disposition and I’m happy all the time, although I’ve been through a lot, I’m doing just fine.

I love other dogs and can’t wait to have a fur-brother or sister to play with. I love snuggling with the other dogs in my foster home and playing chase with them. We all sleep with foster mom and don’t even argue about who gets to lay closest to her. Even though I love my foster mom, I absolutely LOVE men. So, I would like it if I could have a mom and a dad. My vocals are strong, so no apartments or attached housing. We go on walks every morning and I am the love of the neighborhood. I don’t meet a stranger (except for small children), and no one can pass me up without meeting, petting and sniffing me. I am pretty agile, so you can usually find me on the back of the sofa or a chair. I’m pretty good at the benches/steps too, so don’t think you are sleeping in the big bed without me.

I love playing with toys, so wouldn’t mind an army of those in my new home. Foster mom has puppy pads down which really helps with my tiny bladder. But I’m not picky, I’ll use grass, concrete, pads, etc. Even though I have energy and love to play, I choose a lap over everything, hand down.

I’ve been told that I’m not the best at grooming, especially around my face, but I’m sure I will get better with time. Oh, I can’t forget to tell you that we will need a front doorway that is secure since I’m very small and quick. We might want to invest in one of those baby gates that you have to enter before getting to the front door. Safety first!

Let’s sum it up. I’m cute, I’m sweet, I’m playful, I’m energetic and a magnet for all humans. So, I’ll end by saying that, “Even though my last home was whack, YHR will find me a new great crib, and that’s a fact! Peace Out!
Dylan's Donors:
Karen Walker
Alexandra Rosado

Name: Emma
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Weight: 9.13
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $325

For more information on Emma, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Emma
4/14/24 -Emma has come out of her shell quite a bit since entering her foster home. She loves men and women, but would do best in a home with no children since she can be frightened with loud noises and chaotic movements. She loves sleeping in the bed with her foster mom and dad, but is also fine to go and sleep in any one of the numerous dog beds around, or the back of the sofa. Emma knows her name well and will definitely come when called. She is quite the chow hound at breakfast and supper time, but is very respectful of the other dogs’ bowls and if she goes near them while they are eating (since she finishes so fast), a quick, “No Emma”, deters her automatically. She loves to please her humans.
She would do great in a home with other dogs her size, but definitely NO CATS! She is quite the hunter outside chasing birds and squirrels and even stray cats if they happen to get into the yard. She is submissive, but don’t mistake that for a pushover. She is quite the mom when she needs to put another dog in line for something, but she doesn’t start anything. Even though she isn’t your typical looking yorkie, with her longer legs and her full tail, Emma is a very beautiful girl. She has the most angelic face and is just the sweetest baby. She is such a good girl and will use the pee pads when she needs to, but will also do her business on her many trips outside.

We have found out that she and Amber would do fine either being adopted together or being separated. They love each other, but they also love all the other dogs in their foster home, so if there is at least one other dog in her new home, she will be just fine.

4/14/23 - Emma, Amber and Bebe all came to YHR from the same home. Their elderly owner could not care for them any longer so surrendered them. All three are very tall, slender, have nice tails and have beautiful faces. They all thought about going into modeling, but after giving it careful consideration, figured the better path would be to join a family and be pampered, loved and retired. They all three seem to have had puppies before and show signs of uncertainness of humans, so were aren’t sure of their full background of socialization. We believe they are sisters as they are all the same age and look a lot alike.
When they first arrived, they did not have any vetting done, so they received the works. Bloodwork, dental, spay, shots, heartworm test, etc. Their skin and hair were in pretty bad shape too, but good food and baths are helping the hair feel more like hair and less like hay. Emma had a lump by her private part and the doctor took a biopsy and it turns out that it was a mast cell tumor (low grade). Please don’t let this scare you off because they got it and it could never come back. She will need to be checked over and any sign of any lumps, she will need to be brought to the vet to make sure all is well.

Even though they have a lot in common, they do have differences in their personalities, so we asked each of them to give you details about themselves.

Hi, I’m Emma. I have the sweetest personality that you will ever come in contact with. Yep, that’s right, no one out there sweeter. You can just wrap me up and stamp “Godiva” on my back end! I’m pretty flexible too, I could just lay in your lap or sit in your arms all day without so much as a peep or follow you everywhere you walk in the house. I’ve heard that I am an absolute gem to have around and very dainty. I would rather spend all day with my people being petted and loved on. I eat great and fast; I sleep curled up next to my humans all night; I’m a very good girl to go outside and do my business (but have been seen going on the pee pad, and sometimes on a rug); I’m not a huge barker (unless the other dogs in the home bark and they need back-up); and I get along fine with other calm dogs. I don’t seem to know anything about the things called toys, but foster mom and dad are trying to teach me. I love both my foster parents, but, and please don’t tell foster mom this, but I do favor my foster dad. Aside from the fact that he is good looking and I’ve been told I look like a model, I just melt when men are sweet to me. This in no way means I cannot be a momma’s girl because I CAN!

I’m sure I’d be a great only dog, but think it would be best if there were another dog or two with laid back personalities. I say this because when foster mom or dad have to leave me, I’m more comforted with friends around. However, even with fur-siblings around, if you are just outside washing the car or doing yard work, you might want to think about bringing me out with you, because if I can see you, I will whine for you and the other dogs have said I hurt their ears. I’ve learned to use the bench to get up and down in the bed to sleep at night, can jump up on the sofa for napping during the day, and am running quality check on all the dog beds in the house. But, if you are sitting, I’m sitting right beside YOU!

Let’s sum me up: sweet, attractive, loyal, kind, gentle, dainty, and loving, looking for a laid back home with a dad and a mom, no young children, a fenced in back yard (doesn’t have to be large), the ability to sleep in the master bed, but have dog beds for napping, healthy food and nightly massages. Am I being too needy? Well, I’m now retired from having puppies and have gained enough confidence in my foster home to realize that I am a catch, so bring your “A” game when applying because foster mom is one of those “crazy rescue individuals”.
Emma's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Harper LA
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Weight: 7.5
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $375

For more information on Harper LA, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Harper LA
4/19/24 - Happy Friday everyone!

Harper here. I wanted everyone to know that I am getting stronger and walking fine now at my foster home. The only time it’s difficult for me is after I take a nap or when I first wake up in the morning. Takes a minute to get my bearings, but other than those times, I’m running around the backyard now and even chasing birds and squirrels.

I did have an appointment today, though. It was at a vets office that has a treadmill that’s underwater. We’re gonna try some sessions with water therapy to build my muscles in a couple weeks. Can’t hurt. And I might make some new friends. Anyway, my new pictures are coming soon and stay tuned for my water therapy updates.

Have a great weekend.

4/4/24 - Harper saw the specialist and the news was not great. She has a healed previous pelvic trauma, severe with right SI luxation with marked displacement and a left Ilium fracture with severe craniolateral displacement and callused. She also has Grade 4/4 bilateral MPL. The surgeon advised that surgical correction would likely not improve Harper, but may indeed cause worsening of the rear limb function due to possible nerve damage during surgical separation of the healed structures.

A doggy wheelchair was discussed, but at this time we aren’t certain of the advantage of a cart. Harper walks on all four limbs in the grass and on carpet or rugs. She will also walk on slick areas, i.e., tile, wood, etc. at times. We have ordered her some socks with grips on the sole to aid in slipping and have discussed water/physical therapy with the surgeon and he thinks it is worth trying. So we are currently getting that together.

Aside from all this news, Harper gets around fine, eats great, uses the bathroom fine and is 100% a glass is ½ full type gal. She is so happy and loves being in laps and giving kisses. Anytime you reach down to pet her, she automatically rolls over for a belly rub. Belly rubs are mandatory in her life!

We cannot get over what a lovebug this little girl is. She has been dealt some blows, but she certainly isn’t letting that keep her down…. Pun intended. Lol

Due to her medical situation, a home without any children will be best. She seems to be getting along with the other dogs in her foster home, but is wanting so much individual attention, she would probably be awesome as an only baby,

We are so glad that we were asked to take Harper in and even though she is not a surgical candidate, she is going to make someone(s) a perfect addition to their home.

Stay tuned because we will soon be getting some professional photos of Harper taken and then everyone can see just how cute she is now.

3/3/24 - A local shelter called hoping we could take Harper. She was turned into the shelter with an unstable gait (when in the grass) and when inside on tile or wood, sometime walks, but mostly sits and scoots around. Of course we made room because this baby obviously needed our help. We knew she was going to need vetting above and beyond the normal things. The vet's office fit her in, mainly to just get a referral to an orthopedist. Seems she has Grade 4 luxating patellas and something major going on with her pelvis. Thankfully the specialist had a cancellation and Harper now has an appointment on Wednesday, March 13th. We will be counting down the hours until we go so we can see exactly what is wrong and what can be done to fix Harper and make her whole.

Despite the obvious neglect that she has been through, Harper has the absolute sweetest personality. She loves all people, belly rubs, attention, and kisses. It's just amazing to see her cheerful disposition. We can all learn a thing or two from dogs.

We will update after her appointment to let everyone know what the next steps are. Keep Harper in your prayers.
Harper LA's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Donna Hoblack
Val Engel Kerstin Lemke

Name: Major Tom
Gender: Male
Age: 2.5
Weight: 12
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $400

For more information on Major Tom, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Major Tom
Major Tom is a Yorkie/Schnauzer Mix

4/14/2024- Major Tom thought it was about time he updated everyone on what was going on with him since he has been in his foster home. He is a sweet boy, but does have fear issues with new people. When he first meets someone, he will bark at them as if he is scared and trying to protect himself. Sometimes he might even go hide if meeting someone new at his foster home where he is secure. But once introduced and comfortable, he will love unconditionally. He loves men and women, but definitely is more comfortable with women. In his foster home, he plays and loves on foster mom and dad, but will submissive tinkle if foster dad picks him up too quickly. He would benefit from a young playful dog in the home as he loves to play and can be aggravating to dogs that don't want to play or have his energy level. He loves to play with toys and run and play chase with other dogs. He is not very comfortable walking on a harness and leash, so a secure fenced yard is a must for him. He is a very good sleeping companion and adores laying right next to his humans either on top or under the covers. Major does well at the groomer and is great for his weekly bath and blow dry for his foster parents.

He doesn't like a chaotic, busy or loud home, so he would probably do best in a home without children. He is a smart baby. His foster mom taught him to sit for a treat in just 1 day. So he has potential to learn more basic commands.

Major is a happy little guy that did not learn a lot of socialization as a young pup and that has resulted in him being a little socially uncomfortable and timid, but he loves his people 100% and is a great pup. He has enjoyed living at his foster home, but wouldn't object to starting his life with his forever family. Since he is scared around new people and will need time to adjust, visits will probably be beneficial in his transition when getting adopted. So, he will need to be adopted in Louisiana to make sure that all goes well.

If you feel that you are the one for Major Tom, we are accepting applications now!

11/22/21 - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! The name is Major Tom, but you can call me Major. Or, you can call me Tommy Boy. Or you can call me Baby. Just call me in a sweet voice, because I love that.
I was surrendered by my previous owner because I was too much to handle. My last home did not have enough energy outlets for me and I really need exercise and also needed more socialization. Not getting this resulted in me playing too rough snapping and biting at my mom. She did what was best and surrendered me to YHR. I explained to my foster mom that I didn’t mean it and she said that it’s just puppy antics that needed to be redirected.

I do have a very submissive and fearful personality. I’m afraid when meeting new people and will sometimes submissive tinkle. Other times I will try to overcompensate for my fear by barking and growling. Foster mom tells everyone to just sit down and let me get to know them and come to them on my terms. She told me that she understands my issues and we are going to slowly work on them. She’s cool. I’m timid around other dogs too. I’m just learning to play with them a little because there is a Shih-tzu in my foster home that is trying to show me the ropes. So having another dog in the home would be a plus so I can pickup ques from them and it helps me trust humans too. I just don’t need to be around any that are too rough because it scares me.

Once I trust you, I’m definitely my human’s dog and I will follow you everywhere and can even get protective of you. I f foster mom and I are in the bed and foster dad walks in, I will bark and growl at him until he comes over and talks sweet to me and pets me. Foster mom said that I cannot go to a home with children of any age or one that is too chaotic because I get overly stimulated easily. Exercise, i.e., walking, playing fetch or chase with my humans, etc. will help with this and help me to gain confidence.

I know I’m not doing the best at making myself sound like a gem to be adopted, but I am actually a great boy. I come when called, sleep right next to my human all night perfectly, and loves to give and receive love and affection. I’m learning to play with toys and it is the bomb! I’m pretty good in the potty department as long as you let me out enough and stay out with me If you think you will sneak off and go inside, forget it. I will run back in too and do my business inside. So, it’s up to you if you want to stay out with me, or clean up. Lol

I’m not a springy fellow. I’m actually just starting to walk up the steps/benches to the bed. But I still like to be picked up and put in the bed. I will come down the steps though. Foster mom says it is just adorable to see me raise up on the side of the bed and scratch to be picked up. I guess since I’m bigger, she just assumes I’d be able to jump up and down the steps with ease.

While I’m continuing to get love and attention here and learning discipline and how to trust, if you think I have the potential to be a part of your home, please apply. Remember, I will need a quiet home with parents that will exercise me regularly, no children, and another non-rowdy dog to learn from and play with.

Don’t let my shortcomings scare you off, I’m quite handsome and a great catch. Or so says foster mom and she wouldn’t lie to me. I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my foster family, but maybe by Christmas, I can have a family of my own. Major Tom signing off!

11/15/21 - We will post a bio as soon as we learn Major's personality, but have already learned that he IS NOT good with children of any age.
Major Tom's Donors:
Ed Guise
Shelly Hebert Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

Name: Remy
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Weight: 6
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $150

For more information on Remy, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Remy
4/14/24 – Hey everybody! Remy here. Foster mom says that I haven’t really gotten interest, so I wanted to send out a little note to let ya’ll know that I am still here and still in need of a permanent home. Still have the enlarged heart, but what dog my age doesn’t that has been through heartworm treatment.

I co-exist fine with the other furbabies in my foster home, so that’s a plus. I do like sleeping with foster mom and some of the others in the big bed, but will also have nights where I like my space and will sleep in one of the dog beds. I don’t have any teeth, but I eat hard kibble with a little soft food in it just fine. I love my foster mom, but I will actually give attention to any human who wants to give me attention. Not much of a player with toys, so that should save a little money.

If you are looking for a new baby to add to your home and you want one that isn’t all over you all the time, I’m your man. I don’t mind sitting in your lap and getting some attention, but not real big on being held for long periods of time. I’m one of those macho guys that likes some space. Also, I’m not big on public dispays of affection…. Kissing. I’m mean I just feel I’m at the age where we can keep our relationship strictly platonic. And I won’t get jealous if you feel the need to give another furry one attention. I think all this is a plus, and I know that someone out there thinks the same.

So, take a few moments and fill out the application on the website and maybe we can connect!

9/26/23 - I just wanted to update everyone on my condition. I do have an enlarged heart, but that is expected with a baby my age with the heavy load of heartworms that I had prior to completing treatment. I've completed my steriods and am doing much better, but to be on the safe side, I better not run around acting like a 2 year old. I can still play, just need to act my age now. Thanks for all your prayers.

9/14/23 - Good Morning everyone! Remy here. Apparently, I just needed a little specialized attention last night with my labored breathing and ER visit. I told the dogtor to call foster mom this morning and let her know that I am feeling MUCH better. Breathing better and no ill side effects. Seems it was more than likely some inflammatory response to the heartworm disease that I just completed treatment for. I will go home on a short dose of steriods but should be 100% soon. I might be checking out of this hotel as early as this afternoon if all goes well and then I'm looking for to some r&r at home. Hope foster mom and all the fur-siblings missed me.

9/13/2023 - Remy had completed heartworm treatment and has been doing well. This evening he started having some breathing difficulties and was taken to the EC. He has been admitted and medicated for comfort and is in oxygen. We will update as we know more tomorrow.

7/8/23 - Remy starts his heart worm treatment Thursday, July 13th. Keep him in your prayers.

5/3/23 - I didn’t ask to be born; I didn’t ask to be homeless; and I certainly didn’t ask to be heartworm positive. But I am/was all of these things. Born because no one spayed momma. Homeless because no one wanted momma’s kids. And heartworm positive, because no one ever gave me heartworm prevention, which all dogs should receive monthly.

I guess I could either get mad and hold a grudge, or be happy that I was found and brought to Yorkie Haven Rescue. I choose the latter. I’m in a foster home now and being treated like a King… King Remy. I like the sound of that. I officially change my name to King Remy! J So, King Remy, (apparently, I’m speaking of myself in the third person now), will be neutered and have a dental cleaning (wow, do I ever need that) on May 18th and will start heartworm treatment in July. This Yorkie Haven place sure is nice to do all this for me. But King Remy is worth it!

There are other dogs in my foster home, but I’m not really a player. It might come later on, but it seems all I’m interested in right now is humping. Everyone in this household will sure be happy when I’m neutered. This wasn’t a problem when I was living on the street. Another downfall of living on the street is that there was never anyone to get attached too. So I’m not quite as clingy as I understand most yorkies are. I also don’t understand or play with toys. I’m not a huge kisser and don’t crave to be held. I don’t really bark much, but do eat very well and I'm not really scared of noises.

I’m hoping to update this bio after I’ve been neutered, had my teeth cleaned and completed heartworm treatment, to say….. that I follow my human(s) everywhere, love to be held and give kisses, play with other dogs my size, and can play with and tear up a toy like no one’s business.

Even though I cannot officially join my new family until heartworm treatment is complete, I’m taking applications now so I can get used to my last name. King Remy __________!
Remy's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Delilah Hebert-Forbes Sonja Harris Patricia J Lindsley
April Delaney Mary Stabler Katie Rosebraugh
Denise Beyer Kerstin Lemke Luda Francis
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Mariko Hernandez
Kerstin Lemke Mariko Hernandez Mariko Hernandez
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Val Engel Kerstin Lemke

Name: Rocky
Gender: Male
Age: 10.5
Weight: 10
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $150

For more information on Rocky, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Rocky
7/25/24 - Rocky’s foster mom peacefully let him cross over to Rainbow Bridge today. It was due, but he had someone who loved him right by his side.

2/1/24 - Picture it, living with your owner that loves you and you love her, eating well, sleeping with her, getting all the love and attention. Things could not be better! Fast forward some years, owner passes and as devastated as I was to lose her, my grieving had to be put on hold since her family did not plan on keeping me or even finding me a new home. They opened the door, and out I went. I wandered around the neighborhood for a little while until some nice soul picked me up and brought me home. He had another dog and he quickly decided that two was too much for him to handle. He asked around his neighborhood and a sweet lady took me in. She never intended on keeping me permanently, but weeks turned to months and months turned to a couple years. She has alot on her plate right now with her mom and even though she tries, she is not able to be the mom and owner that I need. So while I am thankful for everyone that scooped me up off the street and gave me a place to stay, I am now in the market for my last home that will match what I need. If you are in the market for a Yorkie, I hope you know that we are not shy and always know what we want, so let me tell you what that is.

Since I’m getting older, my eyesight and hearing aren’t quite what they used to be. But hey, don’t judge, everyone ages. I’m a happy little guy that would love to have my own person. I don’t want an active, loud or chaotic household. Since I’m older, when I fall asleep, which can be anywhere, I sleep hard, so it I’m startled awake, I snap when I wake up. Just understand that it is scary for me and be gentle if you need to awaken me please.

I do have a voice and am not afraid to use it, so no apartments, or any attached housing. Wouldn’t want to be the reason you are kicked out of your home. Lol I would really love someone that is up in age like myself and retired and can stay home with me a lot. I’m a 100% type guy. I’m all in and want an owner who can be all in. I’m an early riser and will bark to let you know I need to go out and want my breakfast. I tend to be food aggressive, but the way I see it, fix my food, put it down, and go do your thing. You can pick up the bowl after I’m finished and have walked off.

I love going for walks because it keeps me in shape and I can keep up with whose been in my neighborhood. I am friendly when we meet up with people, and other animals on the walks, but I tend to be protective of my house. So, when people come visit, I bark for a while. I’m a very sweet dog that can sometimes act dominate to try to be #1. So I would probably do best as an only dog with a stronger owner. Sometimes I think I am an Australian Cattle Dog because I will try to herd my people by nipping at their feet. Hence, the need for a strong, in charge owner that knows how to love me, but keep me in line. When foster mom needs to get me in check, she need only show me the fly swatter (she’s never used it though) and I straighten up my attitude toot sweet.

I’m not too much into cuddling, but I will sit at your feet and let you rub me with your feet ALL DAY LONG! I love it! I also like belly rubs if you don’t mind getting on the floor on my level. I am very treat motivated if you want to really teach me some things. Now, I know when I change homes, I will have to get acclimated and may have some mistakes, but I truly haven’t used the bathroom in foster mom’s house. But, she does bring me out a lot. So, you will have to do your part.

Well, I guess that’s all I have for now. If you have any questions, just email foster mom, sand if you are interested, fill out an application. Let’s see if you can be my Valentine, for the rest of my life!
Rocky's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

Name: Scottie
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Weight: 9.3
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $100

For more information on Scottie, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Scottie
What’s that you say honey? You are going to have to talk louder because I’m hard of hearing. My eyesight also isn’t what it used to be because of these darn cataracts. And to top it off, I recently went to the vet and was told I have a grade 4 heart murmur. It’s ok though, the vet gave me some medicine to take, (Enalapril, 2.5 mg., ½ tab twice daily; Furosemide, 20 mg., ½ tab twice daily; and Vetmedin, 2.5 mg., ½ tab twice daily) and it makes me feel like new. Well, maybe not like NEW, but heck, what do you expect from a 14-year-old yorkie?

Oops, there goes my mind getting all side-tracked again. My name is Scottie and I entered Yorkie Haven Rescue because my mom’s eyes, ears and mind weren’t all they used to be either and she had to go live in a nursing home. This old age thing doesn’t play favorites does it? Well, I hope my age doesn’t scare you away, because I’m definitely not ready to check out, just ready to check into a new home that wants a distinguished older man. Someone they can watch their soaps with and pet as they relieve their stress.

Anyway, I’m in a great foster home now and foster mom and dad just love me to pieces. They are always telling me what a good and sweet boy I am. They sure do know how to make an old-timer feel special.

They have 2 other dogs here at my foster home and I fit right in and we’ve been known to play a little. However, I do think that a home without young dogs and children would be best since I am in retirement. Foster mom and dad let me sleep with them and I really love that, but I also don’t mind taking naps on the sofa or in a few of the dog beds around here. Once I warm up, I love all people, but since my sight and hearing are diminished, I’ll need you to be gentle and slow in the beginning. I’m really good about doing my business outside when taken and there are potty pads inside that I’ve been known to use as well. I hope you are ok though if I make a mistake since my bladder isn’t what it used to be either.

With all of the cons I’ve been telling you about myself, I figured I better throw in some pros so you don’t quit reading my bio and move on to the next dog. I’m not a huge barker, which I’ve been told is a plus for my breed; I sleep good; I eat good; I’m an awesome car buddy; I’m a sweet snuggler; I’m cute; I’m loveable and I like to give kisses. Did that level the playing field? I think it should! I might have a few body parts that don’t function at 100% anymore, but I still feel love and have a lot of it to give. I’m an unconditional kind of guy, and if just given the chance, I would make you the happiest dog owner EVER!

Scottie's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Katie Rosebraugh
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Shelby
Gender: Female
Age: 2.5
Weight: 6
Location: LA
Adoption Fee: $400

For more information on Shelby, contact foster parent at: bryorkiemom@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Shelby
1/7/24 -Ok, I’ll just start off by letting you know that I realize that I am not the most adoptable pup in the world. I really have a fear of humans right now. Some have really worked me over in my lifetime and it’s just not that easy letting my guard down.
My sister, Molly, and I were locked in cages since we were puppies. We produced litter after litter to make money for greedy people. We had no contact with humans except to be treated badly which has resulted in our total fear. We also were never brought to the vet, or given heartworm prevention, which has resulted in both Molly and I being heartworm positive. We have started our treatment and received our second round on December 28th. We are doing well for now and not having any complications thank goodness.
We are used to our foster mom now, but still don’t like to be picked up by her or anyone. And if anyone new comes over, we will run and hide or freeze in one spot. Seems like it should be easy for us to forget our past when people are trying so hard to be nice and talk sweet to us, but it doesn’t work that way. I’m sure after a long-term relationship with VERY understanding and VERY patient parents, I’ll figure out that you aren’t wanting to hurt me and I’ll come around.

Now dogs are a different story. They seem to be my safe haven. So, if you want to adopt me, you must have another dog(s). I also would not hate it if you wanted to adopt Molly and I together, but we can go separately. It’s not that I play with the other dogs, but I need them for comfort, guidance and learning. Since Molly and I have been in our foster home, the other dogs have taught us that the threshold of the back door isn’t scary, so we follow the others in now instead of darting from corner to corner in the back yard. However, I sometimes resort back and want to stay outside and foster mom has to act like she is shutting the door on me to convince me to come in. They are also teaching us when it is breakfast and supper time. We all get excited at this time! Pee pads are another thing we’ve learned. We will also go outside, but still make mistakes. I haven’t graduated to sleeping in the human bed. Molly and I usually sleep together in a dog bed/or on a comforter on the floor in the bedroom where everyone else sleeps. I absolutely love toys and play with them alot. We had another foster in our home recently and she taught me to tear all the toys up, so now that is what I do. But I still love them.

I am more scared of things than Molly is. I'm not brave enough to want foster mom to pick me up and definitely don't go up for any pets. I will need a very secure back yard since walking on a harness and leash scare the dickens out of me. I am a knee-jerk reactor and if given the opportunity, would bolt away. In a way, both Molly and I have sweet, but feral personalities. We don’t like it and aren’t proud of it. Foster mom tells us that there are people out there that will still be interested in loving us and giving us all the time in the world to trust and love. We sure hope she is right, but for now, she and her other dogs are doing a really good job of helping us learn this outside world that seems so large and scary.

I know what you’re thinking, “Why adopt this dog, she’s hopeless”. Well, this is your chance to really “adopt” and “rescue” a poor lost soul that will in time come around and is literally the meaning of “a diamond in the rough”. I might not greet you at the door with tag wags and licks, I won’t cuddle up next to you on the sofa to watch a movie, and my eyes are usually very wide open like a deer in headlights, but I really deserve another chance at a life that was stolen from me at the hands of inhumane people.
Shelby's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Luda Francis Kerstin Lemke

North Carolina

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Bruno
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Weight: 9
Location: NC
Adoption Fee: $350

For more information on Bruno, contact foster parent at: yorkiemommync@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Bruno
11/30/22 – Today we found out Bruno has an autoimmune disease called Pemphigus Erythematosus that is causing all of his skin issues. His dermatologist is going to start him on high dose steroids for two weeks to try and get it in remission as quickly as possible so we can back down and get him ready to have his torn ACL repaired. He will also be going on a medication called Mycophenolate for the autoimmune disease, and that will likely be for the rest of his life to keep it in remission. He is still going to physical therapy weekly and is still not too thrilled with the hydro treadmill. He just does not want to use his back legs to walk while in it. Might just take more time and hopefully once we can get the torn ACL repaired it will get even better. Despite all he has going on, he is still so happy and loving! He gets to spend more time out of the crate now that he is six weeks post hip surgery. Thank you to everyone for their prayers and support for Bruno!

11/2/22 – Bruno had his hip surgery on 10/18. We have been doing his exercises at home, but unfortunately he is not using the leg like he should, so we will be starting with physical therapy on 11/4. We are hopeful this will help to get the leg moving the way it should and build up some more muscle as it feels like he has lost even more muscle mass in that leg. He still needs the ACL repair to happen, but the skin needs to be figured out first.

Bruno has also seen the dermatologist and she initially thought his skin issues were from an antibiotic resistant staph infection, but he has had two negative cultures. She is now thinking it could possibly be an auto immune disease, even though she did not see the cells she usually sees when doing a skin scrape in the office. We are spraying him with a topical antibiotic/steroid spray and medicated baths every 3 days. We have a skin biopsy tentatively scheduled for 11/15. We need to get the infection cleared up more before doing a biopsy otherwise it could skew the results.

Poor Bruno has so much going on, but even through all of it he is so happy and loving. He will just stare lovingly into your eyes and snuggle into you.

10/12/22 – Bruno went in yesterday and was neutered and had his dental done. After dental x-rays were done, it was found that he had major bone loss around several teeth and the start of bone loss around others. Given they were so bad, as we suspected, he had to have the remaining teeth he had removed. He is doing good with no teeth and ate some food last night and breakfast this morning. The dogtor said as he was under anesthesia and she wiggled a few of the teeth his blood pressure would go up, meaning she could tell they were painful to him. His mouth should feel so much better now. We also went to see the specialist last week as his leg has become worse being on crate rest. It was decided that he will go in on 10/18 for an FHO on his worst hip and if his skin is much better at that time she will also fix the torn ACL. He cannot have any infection for that repair, so we are crossing our fingers. If not, he will have to go in when his skin is cleared up and have the ACL repair. He has been battling the skin issues since December 2021 when his savior took him out of the bad situation. The dogtor suspects it is still flea dermatitis. His skin is better, but not good enough. The hip surgery is estimated to be around $2500 right now. Despite all his ailments he is still such a happy and loving little guy.

9/21/22 – Bruno is a happy go lucky little man that you can just see the smile on his face. He loves belly rubs, lots of affection, and loves to play with toys now that he knows how to. He did not have a great start to his life by living the first years of his life in a building with several other yorkies that were just given food and water a couple of times a day and not having all the love and attention they deserved. A wonderful lady went to help his original owner clean up all the dogs and convinced her to let her take two of the pups in December 2021. When his savior brought him home he had fleas, was not using his back leg, and had a bad rash. She worked very hard to make him feel better. Due to her own health, she unfortunately had to surrender him, which is how he came to YHR.

We are still working on clearing up his rash, his bloodwork is slowly improving, but he has very bad teeth that need to be cleaned. He is scheduled for his dental and neuter on 10/12. We saw the specialist today regarding his limping and lameness in his left back leg. He does have bilateral hip arthritis, restricted mobility in both hips, but he also has a torn ACL in he left knee. He is going on crate rest for about 4 weeks to see if he can build scar tissue to naturally heal it and try to avoid surgery. If that does not work, then he will need surgery to repair it. Once we get that fixed, then we will see if his mobility gets better and if not, he may need surgery on the hip to give him mobility. With the issues with the back legs, he does put more pressure on his front legs and sometimes limps on the front legs, but x-rays show there are no issues with the front legs.

Bruno really is just the happiest little guy we have seen in a while. He looks like he is smiling a lot of the time. He does great riding in the car and has been doing so in a doggy car seat. His crate rest will be in a stroller, which he does not mind either. He went for a stroll last weekend in the stroller and did great. Given he is older and was never neutered nor trained to go potty outside because he peed where he lived, he does mark a lot. That likely will not change given his age, so he may need to remain in a belly band, which he is great with too. He has lost some muscle mass in his backend, so the bellybands will slip off his hips, but suspenders have worked great to keep it in place. We are not sure about him likely to cuddle given the pain he is dealing with in his knee and hips, so hopefully when that all gets fixed we can see if he is a cuddle bug too.
Bruno's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Jo Ann Genes Kerstin Lemke
Sherri Orr Tina Bender Surrency Sandy Chestnut
Paul Robinson L Marc Lisner Donna Hoblack
Regina Tubay Young James Ray Steve Anzalone
Kentisha Dunn Brenda Foil Paige Herrmann
Linda Baldree Kerstin Lemke Kristin Marie Freimuller
Elizabeth Constance Maroun Conny McClary Kerstin Lemke
Katie Rosebraugh Janet Moree Wannamaker Rachelle Heiner
Conny McClary Kentisha Dunn Sharon O'Regan
Vance Steele Kerstin Lemke Delilah Forbes
Kerstin Lemke Lan Shafer Paula Smith-Jackson
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Delilah Forbes
Lorie Rothman Lorie Rothman Delilah Forbes
Kerstin Lemke Delilah Forbes Kerstin Lemke
Taren Butler Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Delilah Forbes Baylor Wells Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Luda Francis Delilah Forbes
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Loma Carlock
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Delilah Forbes
Kerstin Lemke Delilah Forbes Kerstin Lemke
Delilah Forbes Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Harper
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Weight: 6
Location: NC
Adoption Fee: $250

For more information on Harper, contact foster parent at: yorkiemommync@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Harper
1/3/2024 – Harper is doing great! Harper did have an MRI that identified she has a pocket of fluid pushing on her spinal cord. This pocket of fluid is right where her back humps up and is the cause to her occasional bowel incontinence. Being this pocket of fluid is pushing on the spinal cord, draining it is riskier than just leaving it alone. Her symptoms are not severe, so it is not worth the risk. She may develop urinary incontinence over time and her fecal incontinence may get worse, but other than that she is doing just fine. Her foster mom just keeps blankets where she sleeps so if she does go poo, the blanket can just be washed. She is not on any meds and we did try a round of steroids that did not change anything.

Harper is a very loving little girl. She loves attention and to give kisses. She is good about laying on the couch or in a doggy bed during the day. She sleeps in a doggy bed on her foster mom’s bed and does great. She does not play with toys much. She does good in the car, but does shake when in the car. Her foster mom puts her in a car seat and she does good and lays down. She also does well in a crate if she needs to be put in one.

6/26/23 – Harper is a very sweet and loving little girl that we unfortunately do not know anything about her background. She does occasionally cower down, which could be fear or a something happened to her at some point. She has a cute little under bite and recently had a dental where she lost 9 teeth. She had teeth missing prior as well, but she does still have some teeth left. Harper does have a walk that is off, walks with a hump back, and occasionally has bowel incontinence, meaning she poops without knowing it and it usually ends up in her bed when she is sleeping. She is at the specialist today getting an MRI done so we can maybe figure out what is causing her problems and to see if we can fix it for her. We will post an update when we know more about what is going on for our sweet little Harper.
Harper's Donors:
Katie Rosebraugh
Denise Beyer Linda Baldree Hyeran Kim
Kerstin Lemke Luda Francis Michelle Temple
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke

Name: Mia
Gender: Female
Age: 2.5
Weight: 17.5
Location: NC
Adoption Fee: $400

For more information on Mia, contact foster parent at: yorkiemommync@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Mia

5/29/2024 - Hi, my name is Mia! I know, I know, I am a beautiful dog. Angelic face, which makes me seem softer somehow, like a dog you can trust with your secrets. Well, do not be fooled. Yes, I am a great listener. But inside this adorable black, silver and tan package exists tons – indeed, whole square miles – of naughty.
It's true: I am a handful, but I have the potential to be AWESOME in the correct environment with the correct owners.

I’m not one to lie, and I’m not going to sugar coat anything to try to get you to adopt me. I am one that needs the correct home. I will not fit in just anywhere. I think that’s what makes me so special. Some of these dogs can go to just about any home. NOT ME, I’m looking for the best, a home that will deeply understand what I’ve been through and realize that my past experiences are the reason for my present shortcomings, lack of obedience and anxiety.

I was found as a stray and adopted by a lady and I thought that was where I would live forever, but she became sick, so I had to change homes again. In that home, my mom also got sick and her health declined which caused stress in the household. I had to go live with a family member for a little while so my dad could take care of my mom. So my dad reached out to rescue to see if they could help. So now I’m in a foster home. To be honest, none of the homes that I’ve been in were correct for me because of one reason or another, that’s why I’m trusting rescue because they seem to really do their homework and make the best fit possible. Kind of like match.com.

I’m going to start off by telling you my cons, and if you are still here after that, then you deserve my pros! Straight up, I’m not for the faint of heart, i.e., someone lacking the courage and confidence to face something difficult or dangerous. Now, without further delay… let’s get started.

I need to be the only animal in the home. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I fly solo. I am not a happy camper co-existing with other four-leggers, and I have to have my human(s) all to myself. I don’t like cats or birds or any other animals and will chase them (thankfully, haven’t caught one), and while I have never put another dog in the vet ER, I have made it abundantly clear that I haven’t ruled that possibility out. Yes, I’m in a foster home now with other dogs, and I am anxious because of it and I am bullying them. So, for the sanity of all involved, let it just be you and I and things will be good. This little tid-bit of information is basically the stem to a lot of my problems. Living with other animals makes me obnoxious when I’m really just a baby that loves humans and wants ALL THEIR ATTENTION.

I absolutely love going for walks, and the exercise releases my endorphins and is just all-around good for the body and mind. Lest, don’t forget when taking me on a walk, to be the alpha and stay in control of me. I know other dogs are on walks too, and while I’m not really a bully to dogs that I just meet on the street, you showing me whose boss will keep everyone in check and able to finish their exercise.

Let’s talk about breakfast and dinner. I’m not one of those finicky little tykes that puts their nose in the air and wants something different to eat every day. Nope, put my bowl of kibble down and watch me go. To help with my anxiety and have me focus on food instead of things around me, foster mom was given the suggestion to use food toys to feed me, such as the balls you put kibble in or West Paw Toppl Tough Treat Dispensing Toy to freeze canned food in.

Next on my con list are toys. You guessed it, I DESTROY the stuffed toys and take out the squeaker and have no problem thinking I can swallow them. So, if you want a dog that you can buy those cute little squeaky toys for and video me playing, THINK AGAIN. Stuffing will be all over in about 3 minutes. That’s not saying I wouldn’t enjoy a peanut butter filled Toppl Tough Treat toy, or those bully breed-tough destructible toys with no stuffing that will give me a run for my money.

Can we talk about my running ability. I know that sounds like a pro, but in this sense, it is a con. If given the chance, I would dart out of an open door or take off after a critter if it comes in my path. So, I will need someone who is vigilant about holding onto me when opening the door for the pizza man and has a secure fenced yard.

Ugh, I hate to even touch on this subject, but we have to. I make potty mistakes! There, I said it. I have no opposable thumbs and cannot reach the doorknob, hence the mistakes. Yes, I’m sure I can be taught to ring the bells hanging from the door, or just walk over to the door and look at you, but let’s not forget I’m in a home with multiple dogs, and potty training isn’t something that is coming easy for me while I’m so overstimulated and out of my mind. I do think I’m smart enough to learn to go on pads or hold it longer, but not under the circumstances that I’m in. This is another reason I need to be the only dog…. so I can be peaceful and learn better habits.

Even though I’m pretty (PRO), it takes work to look this way (CON). I’m not a fan of baths and will try to get out of the tub. But that is small compared to how anxious I get at the groomer. Currently, I get some doggy tic tacs (calming medicine) when going to the groomer. I know that it will get a little better as I go more often, but let’s remember that I was running around stray and probably very rarely had a bath. It’ scary business.

I guess we must talk about health now. I’m currently taking anxiety medication to help with my anxiety, but look forward to the home that fits me so I might not have to take that any more. I’ve been told that I have an enlarged heart and a grade 3 heart murmur. Foster mom and I have an appointment to see the cardiologist on June 17th and then we will know more about my heart at that time and what, if anything, needs to be done. I’ve read that taking too many medications becomes an illness in and of itself. Let’s be honest, I don’t need any more problems.

Foster mom is really trying to help me and even called a doggy behaviorist. She gave us a lot of good homework and tips and said that I definitely would be better in a home as an only dog, but will still need an owner that takes charge and can help me worth through my anxiety. It may be a long road to get me through it and to the girl I am meant to be, but it will be worth it!

Whew, I never thought we would get to my pros, but here we go.

I’m cute and that’s a given. I have a nice smile and beautiful hair. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE all people and want attention from them. I will roll over for belly rubs from a complete stranger. I love to sit in my human’s lap, sleep in bed with them and I am a great cuddler. I don’t hog the covers and I’ve never been known to snore. I give great kisses and have never turned down a kiss from a human. I can jump on the sofa to sit and watch Hallmark movies with you and can also use the stairs to get up and down from the bed.

I will go in a crate if I need to when you are away. Even though I’m not potty trained, I’m listing me being complacent with a crate as a pro because it’s my bio and I’m doing the writing. If you bring me out enough, I’m really good about doing my business outside, that is if you don’t have stray cats running around, or a bird feeder. If you do, then my attention is straight up hunter. Again, I’m still considering this a pro.

I’m not a huge barker, even though my current foster mom would care to debate this. I mainly bark here because of the other animals and when my anxiety escalates, it might sound like a scream. There’s no harm in belting out a little Ozzy Osbourne every now and then. Oh, and if I want your attention, I might let out the most adorable howl. Tee hee! No autographs please.

I know this was a lot to take in, but if you made it to the end of my bio, we just might be soul mates. And, not to toot my own horn, but I could have easily lied to you and made myself seem like a dream, but I’m a full disclosure kind of gal who is looking for my LAST home and owner. Please re-read if you have to and only apply if you are serious about me. I cannot take any more fails in life.

I know I’m a little rough around the edges. Actually, I can be a jerk, but my foster mom and I believe in me and my ability to be a great companion. I’m not expecting to receive 50 great applications, but I just know there is someone out there for everyone, and I’m no exception.

So, if you love a challenge, and are looking for a dog that, isn’t quite 100% right now, but can learn to be 100% in the right environment, go on, take the plunge, fill out that application and make my life!
Mia's Donors:


I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Betty
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Weight: 5.2
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $200

For more information on Betty, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Betty

6/7/24 - Betty ended up with kennel cough from the shelter she came from; so, her ortho evaluation and surgery has been postponed. She is ok, but we don't want to do surgery while ill and certainly don't want to expose other pets at the surgeons office. We will update when she is rescheduled.

5/29/24 - Betty was found as a stray and ended up in a shelter that reached out to us because she has a torn Achilles tendon. She is a very sweet little pup who wags her tail at everyone! We will update more about her personality later, but she really needs medical attention before she can be adopted.

We will update her bio after she is seen by the specialist on June 6, 2024. We do know she will need surgery, but we are not sure what will be done. Our vet is not sure if the tendon tear is a new or old injury so much will depend on that. For now, on our front page we are posting her vet bill costs plus her referral to the specialist but we suspect her bills will be much higher.

Thank you for any help you can give whether a monetary donation or prayers for sweet Betty.
Betty's Donors:
Rachelle Heiner
Rhonda Bullard Nicholas Patel Stephen Anzalone
Rick DeCosta Nancy Leicht Luda Francis
Kerstin Lemke Bobby & Maria Davidson Nita Pavlovich

Name: Harley
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Weight: 6
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $100

For more information on Harley, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Harley
6/28/2024 - Sweet Harley has been ill twice this month with pancreatitis and renal failure. He just spent three days (daytime only) in the hospital for IVs and is doing better. His appetite has improved.

11/18/2023 - Harley's eyes have improved since we started the eye ointment.

11/9/23 - Harley recently started having increased eye drainage. A trip to vet found that he has KCS (dry eye). He was started on Optimune eye ointment and we are seeing an improvement.

8-2-2023 - Harley is stable on the Lomotil for coughing. He does cough some when running and playing, but has not experienced any respiratory distress.

His skin is doing really well. We changed his treatment and he now gets a spot treatment weekly of Dermoscent and a bath weekly in Dermoscent shampoo. This has been amazing for him.

He has not had any episodes of GI issues and/or pancreatitis but must remain on RX low fat food. (Royal Canin) If he does have breakthrough itching, he receives a Cytopoint injection at the vet but the treatments above have decreased that frequency dramatically.

Harley is quite the charming little senior boy who loves, loves, loves to play fetch with his toys! He also loves his foster siblings and would love to have another senior companion or two. He sleeps on a pillow next to his foster mom. Because he has been with us for some time, we do want to do a local, slow adoption so that the adjustment will be easier for him.

He is located in Kemah, TX.

August 8, 2021 - Harley has been on Lomotil and showing some improvement in the coughing.

July 1, 2021 - Harley is feeling better and does not require further hospitalization for pancreatitis. We will be re evaluating his meds for collapsed trachea as this week was stressful for him.

Due to Harley stressing easily and causing increased coughing from the collapsed trachea, we have decided to look for a home that is close to his foster home. He is being fostered in Kemah, TX. We want to be able to make it a slower adoption with Harley getting to know a new family before making a move.

June 29, 2021 - It is not a good month for Harley. He had an appointment scheduled for tomorrow for med review for the collapsed trachea; but woke up ill this morning. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis and admitted for IV fluids. Hopefully he will be feeling better in a couple of days.
Please keep our little buddy in your prayers.

June 11, 2021 - Harley was seen at the vet today and diagnosed with a collapsed trachea. He had started coughing recently when barking and/or playing. He has been started on medications for 2 weeks and then will be re-evaluated.

6/27/2020 - We have found that Harley needs a Cytopoint injection every 4 - 6 weeks for allergies/itching. He also needs to be bathed weekly.

3/30/2020 - We have found that Harley has recurrent skin
issues/allergies. Cytopoint has helped the itch, but his hair gets super oily only a few days after a bath. We are trying different shampoos to see what may work.

1/27/2020 - Well, this is one we in rescue have heard so many times. Girl gets yorkie and he is her baby, girl gets married years later and has human baby, and the four legged baby must go. :(

Unfortunately for Harley, the date they chose to let him go was Thanksgiving. We have promised Harley that his next Thanksgiving will be full of love, belly rubs, kisses and treats with a family that will never give him up.

Harley is a sweet boy and sleeps on a pillow next to his foster mom's head. He gets along well with the easy going pups in the house, cuddling with a couple of them from time to time. He tends to be a bit nervous around a lot of activity, so we are looking for a quiet household.

He is very good about going outside to go to the bathroom and comes right back inside. He goes to the door and looks at his foster mom to let him out. Keep in mind that sometimes they do have accidents and things can vary from home to home so don't expect perfection in the housebreaking department!

Harley does have some skin issues due to allergies. This was reported to us when he was surrendered. He recently had some issues and responded well to Cytopoint.

His teeth were a mess when he came to us and a dental was done where he ended up losing 22 teeth. He recovered quickly and eats very well! He is on canned food with some water mixed in.

Harley's blood work looked very good. He does not seem to have any issues other than allergies ... oh, and he does have luxating patellas which is common in yorkies. Best to keep him from jumping up and down on things. Harley walks up steps to his foster mom's furniture!

This is a charming little guy with a whole lot of love to share with someone. <3

1/3/2020 - Harley is a 10 year old owner surrender.
Harley's Donors:
Nancy Leicht
Scott Quinn Terry Romero Corkhill Julie Richard
Lorie Rothman Terri Duffy Puma Jose Gonzalez
Rob Hall LucyHall Heather Frank
Katie Rosebraugh Pam Bunn Louis DiBernardo
Karin M Holt Ed Guise Karen, Jaxxon Kit & Minnie Pearl Walker
Vickie Moore Vickie Moore Richard DeCosta
Vicki Dykes Lisa Cowan Diane Fanelle
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Mariko Hernandez
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke

Name: Kimmie
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Weight: 12
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $450

For more information on Kimmie, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Kimmie
11/9/2023 - Kimmie has come a long way from the terrified pup she was when she came to us. She is very afraid of loud noises, especially thunder and fireworks. She is better on meds when we know ahead of time that something is happening noise wise. She is good about grooming but is not a fan of her face being cleaned.
She is basically housebroken but does have accidents.
Loves her four legged pals in her foster home and loves to play.

5/13/2022 - Kimmie had her follow up CT Scan at the dentist today and we are happy to report that her fractures are healing well. She sends kisses to everyone who donated towards her care.

4/3/2022 - Ok, I’ll just start off by letting you know that I realize that I am not the most adoptable pup in the world. I really have a fear of humans right now. Some humans have really worked me over in my lifetime and it’s just not that easy letting my guard down.

I don’t exactly remember when, but I was kicked out into this cruel world to fend for myself. I obviously wasn’t doing that great of a job since one of those huge things with four wheels ran me down. It was all a blur of pain and being moved around at that time.

I finally ended up in a nice foster home with Yorkie Haven Rescue and my foster mom is helping me heal and learn to trust humans again. She took me to a special dentist who said I had a lot of fractures in my jaw and face but that I would heal in time. The doctor told my foster mom I am a lucky girl because my teeth are still ok and my jaw had not moved, so I didn't need surgery or a splint. The first doctor that had seen me had put one on and I hated it. My foster mom is giving me soft food and she seems real nice. I am starting to let her pet me. I heard her tell people that she is giving me time to figure out that people aren’t wanting to hurt me. I hope she is right and my awful days are behind me, but to be totally honest, I’m afraid of people at this point. Now dogs, I love other dogs. Love to sleep by them, love to play with them, love to always be near them. My foster mom has other dogs and they are very kind to me; so, having another friendly dog in my future home will only help me to trust you more.

Quick movements frighten me. Also, while I will let my foster mom pet me now, most times it has to be on my terms. If she reaches for me I tuck my tail and run. I like her, I just am so afraid of being hurt again.
So now you’re probably thinking, “Why adopt this dog, she’s hopeless”. Well, Kimmie is not hopeless and this is your chance to really “adopt” and “rescue” a poor lost soul who will in time come around.

If you are able to provide this sweetheart with the patience and space she needs to learn that life from here on out will be good for her, Kimmie will, in time, reward you tenfold with her loyalty. She’s not going to greet you at the door right off with a big lick, she doesn’t want to cuddle up next to you on the sofa and watch a movie, but this baby is one that really deserves another chance at a life that she has missed out on at the hands of inhumane people.

4/2/2022 - Kimmie is doing well physically. She does not seem to have any issues with the multiple fractures of her jaw and face. She is eating well and has put on some much needed weight. She will be returning to the specialist in May for a follow up CT scan of her mouth.

She still has a long way to go. She is extremely timid but is starting to learn that the hands that feed her are not going to harm her. We have no idea how long she was a stray but she acts as if it was a very long time. She is doing very well with the other pups in her foster home.

Kimmie's Donors:
Linda Baldree
Rachelle Heiner Patti Day-Backman Richie Wong
Judi Adams Sara Boss Paige Mitchell
Kerstin Lemke William Ossakow Sherri Orr
Nancy Leicht Carrie Klotz Debbie Young
Debra Snow Becky Olaivar-Praznovsky William Ossakow
Sharon Davis Tanya Voelcker Doegbert Enterprises
Catherine Sansonetti Terri Hernandez Lisa Edwards
Katie Rosebraugh Charles Savage Karen Walker
Nera K Noslen Mary Applegate Cearley Valerie Engel
Sylvia Meese Brenda Horan Melissa Edwards
Kentisha Dunn Veronica Rodriguez Sherrie Sebesta Orr
Sandy Sherk Judy Pangaldan Colbert Carla Carlson-Wallace
Janet Moree Wannamaker Judi Adams Ginger Diane Mills
Debbie Oistad Tina Bender Surrency Katherine Barnoski
Jill Boaz Kerstin Lemke Sylvia Mease
Jean Vitale Judith McClure Cynthia Lynch
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Kirby
Gender: Male
Age: 1.7
Weight: 4.58
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $600

For more information on Kirby, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Kirby
4/2/2024 - Kirby is a "work in progress". His testing showed that he does not have a liver shunt. He likely has MVD (microvascular dysplasia).

He came to us because he had bitten a child. He was not groomed and would throw a fit if we tried to trim his hair; so, we finally h ad to anesthetize him and shave him down. He is doing better as his foster mom has worked with him slowly. He isn't ready for a full groom, but she can do a little bit at a time.

The biting turns out to be a response to excitement where he will nip. He is a nice little boy, but will jump on a leg and nip. We are working on that.

So, bottom line, he is being worked with and really not yet ready to be adopted.
Kirby's Donors:
Sharon Davis
Theresa Foster Linda Baldree Katie Rosebraugh
Delilah Forbes Kentisha Dunn Nancy Leicht
Stephanie Garcia Vidal Sherrie Orr Donna McSloy
Nita Pavlovich Victor Carter Cecilia Hoyle
Luda Francis Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Nicholas Patel Kerstin Lemke

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Nico
Gender: Male
Age: 6.5
Weight: 12.7
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $325

For more information on Nico, contact foster parent at: yorkietude@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Nico


7/19/24 - Nico is recovering well from his surgery! His other knee is scheduled to be repaired on July 29th.

7/1/24 - Nico had TPLO surgery today on his left knee. The other will be done in a few weeks. He is back in his foster home this evening and doing well!

Thank you everyone for your good thoughts, prayers and donations!

6/26/24 - Hey everyone. Nico here. I went to the specialist on Monday and he gave me some news that I’ve somewhat heard before, but frankly was surprised. It seems my left CCL is torn and on my right, there is a partial tear. You would not really know it. I am the happiest little man and love running and playing, but yep, somehow, I’ve managed to mess up both back legs. So, the plan is that on July 1st, just around the corner, the doctor will operate on my left leg and then I will have to rest for 4 weeks. Then we will look into fixing the right. I know this is going to cost a lot, but my foster mom said that I am worth it and that it is important to fix them now before it gets worse. So, if you don’t mind, say a couple prayers for me and think of me on July 1st. I’d really appreciate it.

I’ve been in my foster home long enough now to give everyone an update on what my personality and the permanent home that would fit me best. I am currently in a foster home with other dogs and I am doing great with them. I tend be passive, as I don’t mind other dogs in my space, but if one of them shows any “warning” signs, I will match that energy. So, let’s just say, I won’t start it, but I can finish it.

I love sleeping in the bed with foster mom and the other fur-babies. I am a hearty eater and I clean my bowl every time. My idea of playing with toys is to pick up one, shake it around a little bit and then walk away. Foster mom says that I am doing well in the potty-training department, but do have a few accidents here and there. I’m blaming these on a little anxiety when my person leaves right at first. Also, don’t even think about opening the door for me to go out to potty on my own. Not going to happen. I need my person with me or I’m not going.

I’m really attached to foster mom, but if you want to know a secret, I love all people! So, if you like giving and getting attention, and don’t mind a handsome shadow, you just might be the person for me. Just no little ones in the house please. They make me nervous and I’m just not myself around them.

Foster mom says I walk fine on a leash, but can be timid when outside the house. It’s too hot outside right now anyway. Let’s just go in the backyard and sit on the patio furniture. I love laying on the couch with my human, but I’ll need a little help getting up and down. I will occasionally use the doggy stairs, but I’d rather just be picked up. Truth be told, I would lay in my human’s lap ALL DAY LONG if they would let me.

Not a huge kisser currently. Guess I just never learned that activity, but I do watch my foster fur-siblings kiss on foster mom and it seems like fun. Apartment life probably isn’t for me since I do know how to use my voice. When I see anyone passing by, I let them know that they will not be arriving unnoticed. Household noises don’t really faze me.

Oh, I’m also vey good taking a bath and being groomed. Truth be told, I love spa day. Pamper me all you want.

Foster mom is always telling me how smart I am. She’s right, and I don’t mind hearing it. I kind of dance to the beat of my own drum. I’m usually the first one to do things and don’t need another dog to follow me.

To sum me up, I’m just a happy, sweet, handsome guy that is looking for a mom and or dad to adopt and love me. We can turn from strangers into family without the same blood, but with the same love. Are you that special someone who will give me a second chance at life and a new beginning?

4/30/24 - Nico came to YHR because he was not happy sharing time and space with the 3 small grandchildren coming to his previous home. Also, he had supposedly torn both of his ACLs and needed to visit a specialist to see if they were in fact torn and needed surgery and that was just all too much.
He’s now in his foster home and his evaluation with the specialist is scheduled for May 2nd. Then we will definitely know what needs to be done and we can get on it.

He is a very happy boy in his foster home and is fine around the other dogs. He loves sleeping in the bed with his foster mom and has an all-around pleasant personality. We are still assessing his personality and will update after his upcoming appointment.
Nico's Donors:
Delilah Forbes
Kerstin Lemke Rhonda Bullard Linda Freedman
Rachelle Heiner Patricia Chesney Deborah Wilson
Nita Pavlovich Luda Francis Kentisha Dunn
Rick DeCosta Britney Griffin

I have serious medical issues, Please Donate!
Name: Sushi
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Weight: 4.2
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $500

For more information on Sushi, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Sushi
11/18/2023 - Sushi had her dental on 11/9. She lost 11 teeth which came as a surprise to us. We knew she might lose her incisors, but had some other issues with a few of her molars. Thankfully, she has been seizure free since then; so we believe we now know how to proceed if/when she needs other anesthetic procedures.

11/9/2023 - Sushi's dental is tomorrow. Good thoughts and prayers appreciated.

10/9/2023 - Sushi's vet has been consulting with numerous specialists (her neuro and anesthesiologists) regarding anesthesia for an upcoming dental. She has had anesthesia four times and every single time she has had seizures starting within 48 hours after the procedures. She handles the anesthesia well. THese things occur after the procedure and each one has gotten worse, with her ending up in ICU in 2022.

The consensus is that this could be due to the hydrocephalus OR perhaps the hepatic microdysplasia. They don't think it is due to the COMS. That said, they are increasing her Gabapentin and Keppra for two days prior and that will also continue for two days after her dental. There are also some adjustments with the meds used for pre anesthesia. She will also have two extra meds at home to be used IF she starts having issues....Trazadone for anxiety and Chlorazapate for seisures.
We will update when we have a date for the dental and would deeply appreciate prayers and good thoughts for Miss Sushi. We wish we could avoid this, but she does need a dental.

3/16/2023 - Sushi recently started have some neurological symptoms and also painful yelping. We doubled her Gabapentin dose and she has, thankfully, shown improvement.

Her post below explains her medical issues and care needed.

12/8/2022 - Sushi is doing well. She must remain on her medications around the clock.

Keppra every 8 hours.
Gabapentin every 8 hours
Omeprazole every 12 hours
She is no longer on prescription food.

Her medical diagnosis:
1. presumed microvascular dysplasia
2. caudal occipital malformation (COMS) and associated congenital issues
3. epilepsy
4. possible movement disorder

Sushi is a happy, social pup! Due to her medical issues and size, she is not available to a home with young children. Sushi is a happy pup and loves to play with her foster siblings. Her future home should have at least one other young, small pup that loves to play!

She is coming along in the housebreaking department, but does have some accidents.

She loves to cuddle at night with her human.

It is advised that her adoptive home have access to, not only regular veterinary care, but also a neurologists and vet dentist. She has twice had issues with seizures after being anesthetized so special care must be taken.

Sushi's medical/neurological conditions are not "curable" but are "treatable". She should be fine as long as her meds are continued. She does have occasional yelping episodes which may be related to fluid on her brain, or the fact she is a bit of a drama queen. Difficult to determine but thankfully they are short lived.


9/1/2022 - Sushi had her MRI on Aug 29 and a spinal was also done. She was discharged that afternoon and is doing well.

Her diagnosis:
1. Suspect paroxysmal dyskinesia (unclassified movement disorder)
2. Suspect idiopathic epilepsy
3. Caudal occipital malformation with mild ventriculomegaly

Her meds have been adjusted and she was put on a prescription diet - Royal Canin Hydrolyzed

We so appreciate your donations and sweet messages about Sushi.

8/27/2022 - Sushi started having some neurological issues and after being treated for two days, she started having increased seizures in spite of medications being increased. She had been to the vet a couple of times and by yesterday evening, it had become an emergency. She was hospitalized last night at the Specialty Hospital and will be there until at least Monday, 8/29/22, when she will be transferred to the neurological service in the hospital. She is currently in ICU being very closely monitored and medicated. She is in the same hospital that originally diagnosed her with epilepsy and COMS and in very good hands.

1/6/2022 - Sushi is a happy pup and loves to play with her foster siblings. Her future home should have at least one other young, small pup that loves to play!
She is coming along in the housebreaking department, but does have some accidents.
She loves to cuddle at night with her human.
She was seen by the neurologist in November and her meds are the same. Sushi's medical/neurological conditions are not "curable" but are "treatable". She should be fine as long as her meds are continued. She does have occasional yelping episodes which may be related to fluid on her brain, or the fact she is a bit of a drama queen. Difficult to determine but thankfully they are short lived.
She remains on:
Keppra every 8 hours
Gabapentin every 8 hours
Omeprazole every 12 hours.
She will need a follow up MRI in September 2022 and anyone interested in adopting Sushi should be able to provide neurology follow up, tests and meds as needed.

11/16/2021 - Sushi is doing pretty well. She has some occasional yelping due to what we assume is pain from fluid build up. She has not had further seizures. She will be seeing the neurologist this week for a follow up.
She is on the following meds daily:
Keppra every 8 hours
Gapapentin every 8 hours
Omeprazole every 12 hours

9/20/2021 - Sushi had the brain MRI today. It revealed that she has caudal occipital malformation (COMS) and associated congenital issues. These structural changes may lead to seizures and other neurological deficits. We are starting Sushi on an oral antacid which has been shown to decrease cerebrospinal fluid production and may alleviate clinical signs. She also will continue her anti epileptic medication. Additionally, she will be on Gabapentin as needed for pain. Results of the spinal tap are pending.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words and for your donations that made it possible for us to find out what was going on with Sushi so that we can help her.

9/20/2021 - Due to increasing seizures Sushi has been seen by the neurologist and is having a MRI and other tests done this today. Will update as we know more.

Sept 1, 2021 - UPDATE: Sushi most likely does not have a liver shunt based on the CT scan; but, we are to repeat bile acids in 4 - 6 months. She likely has microvascular dysplasia.

She has had some breakthrough seizures, so a neurological consult is scheduled for October 6th since it is unlikely the liver issue is what is causing these seizures.

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated and prayed for Sushi. We could not do what we do for these pups without all of you. <3

August 30, 2021 - Sushi is having a CT Scan & Angiography today to rule out a liver shunt.

8/23/21 - Sushi came to us with a history of seizures which are presently controlled with medications.

Her bile acids are elevated and her xray revealed a small sized liver. She was referred by our vet to Internal Med Specialists and was seen there today. They sent a Protein C sample out today. Further treatment will be determined after the test results are back.

Her vet bills as of today are $990.

Donations for Sushi are appreciated.
Sushi's Donors:
Sharon Davis
Jacquie Perez Nancy Leicht Judith Graham-Burgess
Kerstin Lemke Jennifer Aaron Morken Nancy Leicht
Sandy Burton Jessica Eubanks Lizbeth Morris
Carla Carlson-Wallace Sheryl Moulden Diana Levin
Linda Baldree Brenda Horan Katie Rosebraugh
Marilyn Randall Sherrie Orr Connie Goetz
Sheryl Moulden Tori Tyler Richard DeCosta
Linda DuBois Sue Love Robin Malatino
Rachelle Heiner Maryann Sorey Anne Rolecki
Jackie Pittenger Paige Mitchell Kim Buchanan
Mary Swearingen Mary Swearingen Tracy Cunningham
Kristan Lee Hart Angela Julian Elaine Diver
James Kopf, Jr. Conny McClary Cynthia Lynch
Kerstin Lemke Erwin Enriquez Maxwell Enriquez
Kerstin Lemke Ed Guise Kerstin Lemke
Ed Guise Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Effie Coliukos
Kerstin Lemke Sherrie Sebesta Orr Steve Anzalone
Carrie Schadle Margie Pickens Kerstin Lemke
Nancy Leicht Linda Baldree Katie Rosebraugh
Ron Morgan Sylvia Mease Allen Vanvalkenburg
Lisa Edwards Conny McClary My Expensive Addiction
Sharon Davis Shane Carter Paige Mitchell
Jackie Pittenger Belinda Smith Russell Foster
Kerstin Lemke Vicki Dykes Vicki Dykes
Marcia Blair Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kentisha Dunn Mariko Hernandez
Ginger Gist Ginger Gist Nicholas Patel
Kerstin Lemke Nicholas Patel Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Nicholas Patel
Mariko Hernandez Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Luda Francis Nicholas Patel Michelle Gambino
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Nick Patel
Robin Jones Kerstin Lemke

Name: Webster AKA Dennis the Menace
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Weight: 13.5
Location: TX
Adoption Fee: $500

For more information on Webster AKA Dennis the Menace, contact foster parent at: linsyorkies@yahoo.com

Apply To Adopt Webster AKA Dennis the Menace
I think y’all have misunderstood me because of my nickname. I am, just like Dennis the Menace was, an energetic, loving little guy who is just a bit mischievous at times. Nothing a lot of exercise and understanding won’t cure.

I love, love, love my foster home! I have pups to play with here and they have taught me to be a dog! When I first arrived in my foster home, I was what they call unsocialized. Patience and love has molded me into a fantastic boy. My foster mom tells me that all the time. She says I am a very good boy! I would love to stay here, but she said I need my own home with a more active human caring for me. The last two things that need work are housebreaking (but I will wear a belly band with no complaints) and my habit of barking at the TV.

At first I didn’t even understand being on a lap and being loved on. Things like hair dryers and vacuum cleaners set me off. I am largely desensitized to most of the things that bothered me. I still don’t like the hair dryer in my face, but I actually don’t mind being groomed at all and I LOVE to be brushed in between groomings.

I also love to sit on foster mom’s lap and I give kisses. These are things I have leaned here. At first I pretty much avoided human contact. Crates totally freaked me out. They are a definite NO in my forever home. I spent WAY too much time in one in my first year of life. The people who bought me as a puppy clearly didn’t understand how to socialize a puppy. Thank goodness they found YHR because I now see a happy life ahead of me!

Oh, I have also learned to “sit” and “shake hands”. Foster mom says I am super smart. She tells me I would probably be great at agility.

I need a younger, active forever home where I can continue to blossom! If you are not addicted to the television and love walking, maybe hiking, just generally doing fun active things that dogs love, I may be just the guy for you!

Webster AKA Dennis the Menace – We know, we know. He is adorable. All fluffy and handsome and innocent looking, like a dog you can trust with your secrets. Don’t be fooled. Yes, he is a great listener. But inside that innocuous adorable black and tan package exists tons – indeed, whole square miles – of naughty.

It's true: Webster can be a jerk, and there are many reasons you should not adopt him; but he can also be a kissie face adorable yorkie so there are also many reasons to adopt him. We believe in full disclosure and the right fit for each of our fosters. So....here goes the full disclosure on Webster AKA Dennis.

Do you like watching television in peace? Not with Webster in the house. He is so smart, he will sit and stare at the tv and if the hears a dog bark or anything that sets him off, he alerts….. well, EVERYONE. Even if he is in another room and hears something on tv, he comes running to stare at it and bark incessantly. And his bark is LOUD!

Do you own a crate? Do you plan on crate training your next dog? WRONG! Webster hates crates. He will actually rip things up and drag the crate around the room. There isn’t a pill made to fix this scenario. However, he is fine in a room with a gate or loose in the house if you must leave.

Looking for a new dog that is past the destructive phase? Keep on looking! It’s like having a toddler in the house. If there is any paper on the counter where he can reach it or if it falls to the floor, he will quickly run under the bed with it to make confetti. He is food motivated, so you can divert his attention to pick up the pieces.

Wanting a baby to watch movies with and share popcorn? No and No! Webster’s middle name is ENERGY. He will need another active pup in the home to play with and continue to learn from, as well as active parents that like to go for walks, etc.

Placing him a home with any senior pups isn’t going to work as he can be aggravating and obnoxious while all along thinking he is being cute with them. He currently wears a belly band because he will still hike his leg, but he is getting better about doing his business outside or on a pee pad. He is not the dog to let outside and be unattended. If he gets bored and finds a way out, he’s gone. Also, he will need to be watched around open doors.

He absolutely loves playing fetch with squeaky balls. He is getting better with grooming, but isn’t in love with the dryer in his face. He doesn’t really sleep with his foster mom and other pups. He usually ends up snoozing in chair or dog bed somewhere. This could change with less dogs in the mix.

With all this being said, Webster has come a long way from when he first entered his foster home. But, let’s face it, unless you're looking for a dog that will keep you on your toes, laughing AND crying, Webster is not the dog for you. We know, we know. He's super loyal, cute, the smartest foster we’ve ever had, and a lot of fun; but as we said in the beginning, he’s kind of a jerk. But he's a jerk we believe in and have come to love. Crazy how that works, huh?

After reading this, we're not expecting you to run and fill out an application. But, if you are as nuts about dogs as we are, love a challenge, are looking for the dog of a lifetime, we won't stop you. Go ahead, fill out the application…. But don’t say we didn’t warn you!

7/8/22 -My name is Merriam-Webster, but everyone calls me Webster for short. I know, I’m named after a dictionary. Wish my original humans would have looked up the word puppy in the dictionary before purchasing me and educated themselves so I wouldn’t be up for adoption right now. Anyway, this is my story on how I came to be a Yorkie Haven pup.

I was purchased when I was just week’s old by an older couple that wanted a yorkie puppy. As is actually very common, this couple did not give thought to how much work it takes to take care of a puppy. Unfortunately for me, since I was the only dog in the home, I was not socialized with other animals, or too many humans for that matter. This made me turn into a “Dennis the Menace”/“Bull in a China Shop” without an energy outlet to save me. My human parents tired of me quickly and were fed up essentially because I was simply “being a puppy”. Since I can become afraid to the point of destruction with a crate, it’s probably safe to say that I was kept in a crate a good bit as punishment for my energy. SO, NO CRATES PLEASE!

Foster mom says that I am just a little rough around the edges and with a little positive reinforcement, I’m going to be a great addition to a family. I’ve been told I can be very sweet.

I’m not housebroken yet, and currently wear something called a belly band. They are pretty awesome since if I raise my leg to mark on something, I don’t get in trouble because I don’t mess up anything…. Except for my diaper. Lol

I love to play fetch with squeaky balls and would love another active pup to play with and learn from. Going to a home with older dogs probably would not be best since I can be a bit of a pest. I reach out to play and hit them in the face with my paws and can be a badger at times. I’m sure I would be great as an only pet too as long as there’s plenty to keep me busy and I’m not left for long periods (remember, I was given up because no energy outlet made me a “bad dog”.) I like to start my night off sleeping in the bed with foster mom, but eventually get out and into a dog bed. It’s a little too crowded up there for me. So again, either an only dog, or just one or two more and the bed should have plenty space then.

I do good with a bath, but the noise of the dryer and the blowing in my face, not a fan. I’m sure this will get better with time, but if you want to offer me treats during my spa time, I might come around a lot quicker.

I’ll end my story with asking you to look up the word “lucky” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. You will find: 1. Having good luck; 2. Happening by chance; 3. Producing or resulting in good by chance; AND, 4. SOMETHING YOU WILL BE IF YOU ADOPT WEBSTER! I might have added that last one myself, but you will never know unless you adopt me now, will you? 😊

Webster AKA Dennis the Menace's Donors:
Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke
Kerstin Lemke Kerstin Lemke Cordelia Rebecca DeLeon